Online Application 網上報名
Online Application
- The application fee is HK$160 (per programme). The payment can be settled by credit card (Visa/MasterCard) through online application. Fees paid are neither refundable nor transferable.
報名費用為港幣$160元 (以每個課程計算)。申請人可於網上報名時以信用卡(Visa/ Mastercard) 繳付報名費。已繳費用概不退還,亦不得轉授。 - All supporting documents, including copies of academic transcripts of applicant’s post-secondary qualification, certificates of public examination results, and professional qualifications (if any), MUST be uploaded during application. Files submitted, in pdf, png, or jpg format, should not exceed 5MB in file size.
申請人必須在申請時上傳所有證明文件副本,包括大專學歷成績單、公開考試成績證書和專業資格(如具備)。提交文件限以PDF ,PNG或JPG格式,文件的大小總計請勿超過5MB。 - An email acknowledgement will be automatically generated after the application is successfully submitted.
申請過程順利完成後,申請人會收到電子郵件確認。 - Enquiries on your application status can be made by visiting our seven working days after submission of your application form.
申請人可於提交申請後的七個工作天起在網站查閱申請的進度。 - This website is optimised for HTML5 fully supported browser and you need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
請使用完全支援HTML5的瀏覽器瀏覽本網站,您亦需要在瀏覽器中啟用JavaScript。 -
In order to successfully complete the payment process, please use one of the recommended browsers below.
為了順利完成付款程序,請使用以下其中一種瀏覽器。- Chrome - version 30+
- Mozilla Firefox - version 27+
- Safari - version 7+
- Microsoft Edge - version 12+
- Opera - version 17+
Please select a programme
個人資料 (申請高等 / 專業文憑或以上課程請務必以英文填寫)
(as shown on HKID Card/ Passport)
"N/A" if not applicable
*From:(Month/Year )
由:(月/年)/To (Month/Year)
至:(月/年)/Name of Awarding Institution and Country
頒發機構及國家Programme Title
as shown on transcript
(e.g. Higher Diploma in Accounting)Study Mode
授課模式(Expected) Month and Year of Award
(預計)頒發日期/Cumulative GPA
(e.g. 2.49)Attachment all transcripts of the study period should be submitted
請提交所有成績單副本Add -
Name of Awarding Institution and Country
頒發機構及國家Title of Professional Qualification
專業資格Month and Year of Award
附件Add -
From:(Month/Year )
由:(月/年)/To (Month/Year)
至:(月/年)/Full Time全職/ Part Time兼職Name of Organization and Country
附件AddNo. of Years in Full-time Employment:
全職就業年數 *
- I declare that I have read and understood the nature and details of the Notes for Online Application, Application Guide & Programme Information.
本人謹此聲明在填寫報名表前,已細讀申請須知、報名指引及課程資料。 - I declare that all the information given in support of this application form and the attached supporting documents are, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete, and I agree to provide original document(s) for verification of my qualifications when required. I understand that this information will be used in the admission decision process, I accept that if, in reading and completing this application, I knowingly or carelessly provided untrue or incomplete information, any offer of admission, whether accepted or not, may be disqualified and/or I may be required to withdraw from any programme which I am enrolled in and all fees paid will not be refunded.
本人謹此聲明在此填報及上載文件的資料均屬正確及完備,並同意提交文件之正本以作核實。本人明白所提交的資料將會用作入學處理。於閱覽及填妥本報名表,本人若提供任何不實或不完整資料,獲錄取的學額不論接受與否,本人之申請資格將被取消。雖經註冊,亦屬無效。已繳交之費用,概不發還。 - I authorize CityU SCOPE to obtain, and the relevant authorities to release, any and all information about my academic, work experience and/or professional qualifications/licence obtained in Hong Kong and elsewhere.
本人授權香港城市大學專業進修學院向有關機構查詢或索閱本人以往之學歷, 工作經驗及/或專業資格/牌照。 - I authorize CityU SCOPE to use my data to carry out checks regarding my application and records of previous studies in the University and other institutions.
本人授權香港城市大學專業進修學院核證本人的申請及本人在香港城市大學及其他院校之就讀資料。 - I understand that, upon my registration in a programme, the data will become part of my student record and may be used for all purposes relating to my study in the programme.
本人明白報名表上之資料將記錄於學生個人檔案中,並將用作有關課程行政之用。 - I consent that if admitted to the programme, I will conform to the statutes and regulations of City University of Hong Kong, CityU SCOPE and awarding institution.
Non-local Applicants
All applicants must produce appropriate identity document(s) for verification at the time of enrolment. Non-local applicants should produce a valid student visa which has been validated at the immigration checkpoint upon entry to Hong Kong. Please note that CityU SCOPE will not sponsor students’ visa application. Students have the responsibility to comply with the immigration rules, regulations and conditions governing their eligibility for studies and stay in Hong Kong. According to the policy of the Education Bureau, Mainland students are not allowed to study non-local programmes in Hong Kong. For details, please contact the Immigration Department of the HKSAR Government (Tel: 2824 6111; Website:
申請人必須於遞交申請時提供有效的身份證明文件。非本地申請人必須持有由香港入境事務處所簽發之學生簽證或有效證件方可入讀本院課程。 香港城市大學專業進修學院無法為申請人安排學生簽證事宜。學生有責任遵守有關其在香港學習和居留資格的相關規則、條例及條件。根據教育局的 政策,內地學生不得在香港入讀非本地課程。詳情請聯絡入境處 (電話: 2824 6111 ; 網址
Collection of Personal Data
- The personal data you provide in this form will be used for your application, admission, registration, alumni communication, and direct marketing purposes. We will provide you with information on our programmes / courses to help navigating your lifelong learning. You always have the right to request us to stop using your personal data in marketing communications by sending a written unsubscribe request to the School at any time.
Source of Information
如何獲悉本院 / 本院課程資料? (可以選擇多於一項)
Please select the first choice
Please select your choices in sequence
Duplicated choices find
Personal Particulars (Please complete in English if you apply for Advanced / Professional Diploma programmes or above)
個人資料 (申請高等 / 專業文憑或以上課程請務必以英文填寫)
Please select the Title
Please input your Last Name
Please input your First Name
Please input your Chinese Name
Please select your Gender
Please input your Place of Birth
Date of Birth error
Please select your ID type
invalid HKID
We accept HKID ONLY
Hong Kong Permanent Resident must provide a valid HKID
Please make a selection on Hong Kong Permanent Resident
Please input your Nationality
Please input ALL address fields
Please input your DayTime Contact Telephone Number
Please input your Mobile Number
Please input your Email Address
Invalid Email Address
Email Addresses not matched
Academic Qualification (in reverse chronological order and attach copies of transcripts)
Please provide your Academic Qualification
Please choose your Highest Level of Education Attained
Professional Qualification/License (in reverse chronological order and attach supporting documents)
Please provide your Professional Qualification/License
Work Experience (in reverse chronological order)
Please provide your Work Experience
Please choose the Number of Years in Full-time Employment
Programme(s) Applied – Additional Question(s)/Declaration(s)
申請課程 – 附加問題/聲明
Declaration Box is not checked
Please answer the question(s) marked with *